A Bayesian Exploration-Exploitation Approach for Optimal Online Sensing and Planning with a Visually Guided Mobile Robot from Ruben Martinez-Cantin on Vimeo.
We address the problem of online path planning for optimal sensing with a mobile robot. The objective of the robot is to learn the most about its pose and the environment given time constraints. We use a POMDP with a utility function that depends on the belief state to model the finite horizon planning problem.We replan as the robot progresses throughout the environment. The POMDP is highdimensional, continuous, non-differentiable, nonlinear, non- Gaussian and must be solved in real-time. Most existing techniques for stochastic planning and reinforcement learning are therefore inapplicable. To solve this extremely complex problem, we propose a Bayesian optimization method that dynamically trades off exploration (minimizing uncertainty in unknown parts of the policy space) and exploitation (capitalizing on the current best solution). We demonstrate our approach with a visually-guide mobile robot. The solution proposed here is also applicable to other closelyrelated domains, including active vision, sequential experimental design, dynamic sensing and calibration with mobile sensors.
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