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lunes, 12 de abril de 2010

Pat Metheny and the Orchestrion

Pat Metheny and the Orchestrion: "

Musician Pat Metheny is
currently touring with a robotic orchestra, called the Orchestrion Project.
It includes a wide range of instruments which are robotically actuated
and controlled in real time by Pat Metheny himself. It doesn't appear
any of the instruments are purely autonomous robots but they do seem to
have a very sophisticated automatic control system that allows the human
musician to improvise freely (and it certainly puts my
own feeble efforts to shame!). Looks like a lot of fun, so if you're
interested in robots and music, check the tour schedule to see when Pat
and his robot band will be in a town near you. They're coming to Dallas
tomorrow, so if I get the chance to check it out, I'll post a review.


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