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viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

Truckbot: An Autonomous Robot based on Android

Truckbot: An Autonomous Robot based on Android: "

The robot builders over at Cellbots have been busy cranking out
robots based around the Google Android
OS. Their latest effort is
Truckbot, an acrylic differential drive robot that relies on a Google G1
phone running the GNU/Linux-based Android OS combined with an Arduino.
The robot can be teleoperated but also incorporates autonomous features
such as cliff-detection to avoid falling off of tables. The video above
demonstrates an ultrasonic sensor. See the additional videos after the
break for examples of teleoperation and use of the G1's sensors for
orientation. The Cellbots group has also released all their source
code as Free
Software under the Apache 2.0
license. You can use their software to build your own Cellbot with
voice recognition, text-to-speech, compass orientation, teleoperation,
GPS, and other cool features.


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