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viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Robots: 50 Years of Robotics (Part 1)

Robots: 50 Years of Robotics (Part 1): "

Today we celebrate the 50th episode of Robots! For the occasion, the Robots podcast talked to 12
researchers about the most remarkable developments in robotics over the last 50 years and their prediction for the next half-century. This '50th Special' is split into two parts, with the second half airing in two weeks. In this first part, Rolf Pfeifer from the University of Zurich gives a general overview of the developments in robotics, Mark Tilden from WowWee focusses on robot toys, Hiroshi Ishiguro on androids, Oscar Schofield on underwater robots, Steve Potter on brain machine interfaces and Chris Rogers on eduction robots. Also coinciding with this 50th episode, the Robots website has gotten a major overhaul: Apart from an updated layout, you can now easily browse episodes by topic, interviewee or tags, and you can interact with other listeners by leaving comments below episodes and on the new Robots forum. To do both, just log-in once in the top bar of
the website. Thanks to all our faithful listeners!


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